Church History
In 1890, the first 11 members of the Church were baptized at Devonshire Bay. Finding themselves without a church building, one of the members offered to rent one of his houses on Collector’s Hill for the use of Portuguese services. Thus began "A Igreja de Deus em Bermuda" – The Church of God in Bermuda. It was pastored by Sr. Manuel C. Benevides, of San Miguel, who had come to the island in 1885 to provide proper Christian leadership for the initial membership. Over the next several years, despite much local persecution the congregation grew as many others came to find salvation in Jesus Christ. In 1897, Pastor Manuel Benevides left Bermuda to visit his home in the Azores, leaving his brother, Jose Benevides, to take charge during his absence. When Pastor Manuel Benevides returned to the island the following year, he found there was some discord amongst the church membership, and this resulted in Jose Benevides taking some followers to form another Church.
In 1902, Henry M. Wright, an evangelist of Portugal and Brazil, came to Bermuda. A great spiritual awakening took place on the island through Henry Wright’s ministry, and many people were saved and baptized. When he left Bermuda, Mr. Wright gave a considerable sum of money towards the building of a church on Dudley Hill in Paget. The church, which was able to hold 200 people, was erected in 1904. During this time, those who had previously left, returned and the believers were united in this new church, led by Pastor Manuel Benevides. Many changes continued over the next 27 years, there continued to be many changes, including the establishment of a Sunday School in 1910, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pacheco Mello, Sr., with an attendance of 20 children and adults.
The Evangelical Church of Bermuda celebrated its 100th Anniversary in 1990, and to commemorate this milestone Mrs. Linda DeSilva wrote a book all about the Church’s history. All the information on this page along with the various pictures can be found within the book. If you’d like to purchase a copy please email us for further information. Today, the Church has grown considerably, both in terms of congregation and physical buildings. Our average congregration numbers around 120 on any given Sunday, and even more during special church programs. A modern, new Multi-Purpose Centre was completed in 2000, providing much-needed space for Church offices, individual rooms for Sunday School and a large area for special events, as well as overflow for Church services.
In 1902, Henry M. Wright, an evangelist of Portugal and Brazil, came to Bermuda. A great spiritual awakening took place on the island through Henry Wright’s ministry, and many people were saved and baptized. When he left Bermuda, Mr. Wright gave a considerable sum of money towards the building of a church on Dudley Hill in Paget. The church, which was able to hold 200 people, was erected in 1904. During this time, those who had previously left, returned and the believers were united in this new church, led by Pastor Manuel Benevides. Many changes continued over the next 27 years, there continued to be many changes, including the establishment of a Sunday School in 1910, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pacheco Mello, Sr., with an attendance of 20 children and adults.
The Evangelical Church of Bermuda celebrated its 100th Anniversary in 1990, and to commemorate this milestone Mrs. Linda DeSilva wrote a book all about the Church’s history. All the information on this page along with the various pictures can be found within the book. If you’d like to purchase a copy please email us for further information. Today, the Church has grown considerably, both in terms of congregation and physical buildings. Our average congregration numbers around 120 on any given Sunday, and even more during special church programs. A modern, new Multi-Purpose Centre was completed in 2000, providing much-needed space for Church offices, individual rooms for Sunday School and a large area for special events, as well as overflow for Church services.