The Evangelical Church of Bermuda
1. Who We Are
The primary mission of The Evangelical Church of Bermuda (“ECB,” “us” or “we”) is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. ECB use personal information to conduct many functions supporting this mission in Bermuda and abroad. We are committed to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of personal information entrusted to us. This Privacy notice is provided to help you understand how we collect, store, use, share, protect and otherwise deal with your personal information.
2. Personal Information – what is it?
Personal information relates to an individual which allows that individual to be identified from the information (for example, name, photograph, address, telephone numbers, email address). Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in ECB’s possession. In Bermuda, the processing of personal information is regulated by the Personal Information Protection Act 2016 (“PIPA”).
3. What Personal Information does ECB collect about you?
We process some or all of the following where necessary to perform ECB’s mission:
- Contact Information, including Parental Contact information, such as telephone numbers, mailing address, email address;
- Image Data, such as photographs or videos;
- Financial identifiers such as bank account numbers, payment card numbers, payment/transaction identifiers;
- Identity Information such as name, username or similar identifier, title, and date of birth;
- Communications data, such as your preferences in receiving information from us about church events and other ECB updates;
- Membership data, being details of your membership with the Church and any involvement you may have in various committees or ministries within ECB;
- Employment data, including employment history, training records, pension information, insurance, details about next of kin and other details relating to your employment;
- Sensitive Personal Information such as information relating to gender, marital status, family composition, dependants, health, and religious beliefs.
NOTE: The information ECB processes may constitute ‘sensitive personal information’ (as defined in PIPA) because, as a church, the fact that we process your information at all is suggestive of your religious beliefs. Sensitive personal information will only be processed with your explicit consent or if there is another legal basis for processing. (See paragraph 6 of this Notice).
4. Children’s Information
All personal information regarding children under the age of 14 is held by ECB with the consent of a parent or guardian. This personal information enables us to tailor our children’s ministry content to different age groups while ensuring that we maintain a high standard of safety. Any sensitive personal information, such as allergies or medications, is held to help us keep children safe. Only those who require access to this information are authorized to view it.
5. Where do we obtain your personal information?
We collect your personal information from the following sources:
- Completed paper forms: You provide it to us by completion of consent forms, connect cards, membership applications, and the like.
- Correspondence: We collect it when you correspond with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise.
- Online Forms: We collect it through our website, ECB app or social media pages, when you complete contact forms, prayer request forms, or register for events and activities such as camp and VBS. Cookies: ECB does not use cookies, however, social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have their own cookies which are controlled by them.
- Automated: Some software applications that we use permit us to access the e-mail address of those who have opened e-mails from us and/or clicked on links within the email.
- Third Parties: We may receive personal information about you from others such as your family members.
6. How does ECB use your personal information? What are the purposes for which we use your Personal Information?
The Church complies with its obligations under PIPA by keeping personal information as up to date as possible, by storing and destroying it securely, by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data, by protecting personal information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect your information. In performing its mission, ECB may use your personal information for some or all the following purposes:
- To minister to you and provide pastoral and spiritual care (such as calling, visiting and praying for you) and to organise and perform ecclesiastical services for you (such as baptisms, weddings, and funerals);
- To inform you of news, events, activities, and services at ECB;
- To send you communications which you have requested and that may be of interest to you;
- To access and publish information in the Church Directory, bulletins, prayer prompter and/or monthly calendars if clear consent is provided by you for your information to be published in these forms;
- To process applications for scholarships, missions’ funding, camps, Vacation Bible School, Olympians, and AMP;
- For the day-to-day administration of the Church, including:
o To administer membership records and conduct meetings (such as determining who is entitled to vote at a member’s meeting);
o To administer and manage ECB’s employees and volunteers;
o To provide administrative support to committees and other ministries within ECB;
o To maintain our own financial accounts and records, including recording donations.
7. What is the Legal Basis for Processing Your Personal Information?
We will only use your personal information where we have a legal ground to do so. We therefore rely on one of the following to process your personal information:
• Consent – you have provided us with permission to use your information. Where we require consent to use your information, we will make it clear when we ask for consent and explain how to go about withdrawing your consent.
• Legal obligation – we need to process your information to comply with the law, for example keeping marriage registers.
• Contract – we need to process your information as part of a contract.
• Vital interest – we need to process your information to protect your life or that of another person in an emergency.
• Safeguarding – we need to perform a task in the interest of a child or in the public interest.
• Employment/Volunteer – information is processed in the context of a present, past or potential employment/volunteer relationship with ECB.
8. Sharing your personal information
Your personal information will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be shared with persons associated with ECB on a ‘need-to-know’ basis to conduct a particular purpose. For example, sensitive personal information such as allergies will be shared only as necessary to safeguard individuals attending our events. Otherwise, ECB will only share your information with third parties outside of the Church with your consent unless required to comply with a legal obligation or if requested by government or law enforcement authorities. Please note that if you consent, certain personal information will be shared with other Church attenders through the Church Directory, bulletins, the Prayer Prompter, and/or monthly calendars.
9. How long do we keep your personal information?
In general, ECB will endeavour to keep information only for as long as we need it, unless we are required to keep it for legal, accounting or tax reasons. This may mean we have to keep some of your records for an extended time, or permanently in specific circumstances. For example, it is current best practice to keep financial records for a minimum period of seven years, while records like Marriage registers are permanent. When we no longer need or are not required to keep your information, we will securely delete your information.
10. Data Security
We implement reasonable and appropriate security measures against unlawful or unauthorized processing of personal information and against the accidental loss of, or damage to, personal information. For example, all personal information in electronic form is stored on secure servers with appropriate passwords. Additionally, we will not disclose any information about you to anyone other than the leadership, Trustees and ministry overseers/co-ordinators in order to facilitate the administration and day-to-day ministries of the Church. All staff and volunteers who have access to personal information are required to adhere to ECB’s Privacy Policy.
11. Your rights and your personal information
You have the following rights with respect to your personal information:
a. request to see the personal information which the Church holds about you;
b. request the names or types of persons to whom your personal information is disclosed;
c. request to update any incorrect or inaccurate information we have about you;
d. request the purpose(s) for which ECB is using your information;
e. restrict or object to us processing your information, in certain circumstances;
f. request to have us delete information we have about you, in certain circumstances;
g. If you have provided consent, the right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time.
When exercising any of the rights listed above, in order to process your request, we will need to verify your identity for your security. We will respond to your request within 45 days of receiving a valid request, unless we have reason to, and can lawfully extend the timescale. This can be extended up to a further 30 days in certain circumstances.
12. Further processing or change of purpose
We will only use your personal information for the purposes for which we collected it. If we wish to use your personal information for a new purpose, not covered by this Privacy Notice, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing. Whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing.
13. Contact Details
If you have any concerns or questions about how ECB manage your personal information, or would like to withdraw a previous consent to the use of your personal information, please contact us by:
- Emailing Subject Line: Attention Privacy Officer.
- Writing to The Privacy Officer, The Evangelical Church of Bermuda, 1 Mission Road, Paget, PG 06.
14. Changes to our Privacy Notice
This Privacy Notice was last updated on 24 December 2024. We may change this Privacy Notice from time to time and encourage you to periodically review for the latest information.
The primary mission of The Evangelical Church of Bermuda (“ECB,” “us” or “we”) is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. ECB use personal information to conduct many functions supporting this mission in Bermuda and abroad. We are committed to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of personal information entrusted to us. This Privacy notice is provided to help you understand how we collect, store, use, share, protect and otherwise deal with your personal information.
2. Personal Information – what is it?
Personal information relates to an individual which allows that individual to be identified from the information (for example, name, photograph, address, telephone numbers, email address). Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in ECB’s possession. In Bermuda, the processing of personal information is regulated by the Personal Information Protection Act 2016 (“PIPA”).
3. What Personal Information does ECB collect about you?
We process some or all of the following where necessary to perform ECB’s mission:
- Contact Information, including Parental Contact information, such as telephone numbers, mailing address, email address;
- Image Data, such as photographs or videos;
- Financial identifiers such as bank account numbers, payment card numbers, payment/transaction identifiers;
- Identity Information such as name, username or similar identifier, title, and date of birth;
- Communications data, such as your preferences in receiving information from us about church events and other ECB updates;
- Membership data, being details of your membership with the Church and any involvement you may have in various committees or ministries within ECB;
- Employment data, including employment history, training records, pension information, insurance, details about next of kin and other details relating to your employment;
- Sensitive Personal Information such as information relating to gender, marital status, family composition, dependants, health, and religious beliefs.
NOTE: The information ECB processes may constitute ‘sensitive personal information’ (as defined in PIPA) because, as a church, the fact that we process your information at all is suggestive of your religious beliefs. Sensitive personal information will only be processed with your explicit consent or if there is another legal basis for processing. (See paragraph 6 of this Notice).
4. Children’s Information
All personal information regarding children under the age of 14 is held by ECB with the consent of a parent or guardian. This personal information enables us to tailor our children’s ministry content to different age groups while ensuring that we maintain a high standard of safety. Any sensitive personal information, such as allergies or medications, is held to help us keep children safe. Only those who require access to this information are authorized to view it.
5. Where do we obtain your personal information?
We collect your personal information from the following sources:
- Completed paper forms: You provide it to us by completion of consent forms, connect cards, membership applications, and the like.
- Correspondence: We collect it when you correspond with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise.
- Online Forms: We collect it through our website, ECB app or social media pages, when you complete contact forms, prayer request forms, or register for events and activities such as camp and VBS. Cookies: ECB does not use cookies, however, social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have their own cookies which are controlled by them.
- Automated: Some software applications that we use permit us to access the e-mail address of those who have opened e-mails from us and/or clicked on links within the email.
- Third Parties: We may receive personal information about you from others such as your family members.
6. How does ECB use your personal information? What are the purposes for which we use your Personal Information?
The Church complies with its obligations under PIPA by keeping personal information as up to date as possible, by storing and destroying it securely, by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data, by protecting personal information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect your information. In performing its mission, ECB may use your personal information for some or all the following purposes:
- To minister to you and provide pastoral and spiritual care (such as calling, visiting and praying for you) and to organise and perform ecclesiastical services for you (such as baptisms, weddings, and funerals);
- To inform you of news, events, activities, and services at ECB;
- To send you communications which you have requested and that may be of interest to you;
- To access and publish information in the Church Directory, bulletins, prayer prompter and/or monthly calendars if clear consent is provided by you for your information to be published in these forms;
- To process applications for scholarships, missions’ funding, camps, Vacation Bible School, Olympians, and AMP;
- For the day-to-day administration of the Church, including:
o To administer membership records and conduct meetings (such as determining who is entitled to vote at a member’s meeting);
o To administer and manage ECB’s employees and volunteers;
o To provide administrative support to committees and other ministries within ECB;
o To maintain our own financial accounts and records, including recording donations.
7. What is the Legal Basis for Processing Your Personal Information?
We will only use your personal information where we have a legal ground to do so. We therefore rely on one of the following to process your personal information:
• Consent – you have provided us with permission to use your information. Where we require consent to use your information, we will make it clear when we ask for consent and explain how to go about withdrawing your consent.
• Legal obligation – we need to process your information to comply with the law, for example keeping marriage registers.
• Contract – we need to process your information as part of a contract.
• Vital interest – we need to process your information to protect your life or that of another person in an emergency.
• Safeguarding – we need to perform a task in the interest of a child or in the public interest.
• Employment/Volunteer – information is processed in the context of a present, past or potential employment/volunteer relationship with ECB.
8. Sharing your personal information
Your personal information will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be shared with persons associated with ECB on a ‘need-to-know’ basis to conduct a particular purpose. For example, sensitive personal information such as allergies will be shared only as necessary to safeguard individuals attending our events. Otherwise, ECB will only share your information with third parties outside of the Church with your consent unless required to comply with a legal obligation or if requested by government or law enforcement authorities. Please note that if you consent, certain personal information will be shared with other Church attenders through the Church Directory, bulletins, the Prayer Prompter, and/or monthly calendars.
9. How long do we keep your personal information?
In general, ECB will endeavour to keep information only for as long as we need it, unless we are required to keep it for legal, accounting or tax reasons. This may mean we have to keep some of your records for an extended time, or permanently in specific circumstances. For example, it is current best practice to keep financial records for a minimum period of seven years, while records like Marriage registers are permanent. When we no longer need or are not required to keep your information, we will securely delete your information.
10. Data Security
We implement reasonable and appropriate security measures against unlawful or unauthorized processing of personal information and against the accidental loss of, or damage to, personal information. For example, all personal information in electronic form is stored on secure servers with appropriate passwords. Additionally, we will not disclose any information about you to anyone other than the leadership, Trustees and ministry overseers/co-ordinators in order to facilitate the administration and day-to-day ministries of the Church. All staff and volunteers who have access to personal information are required to adhere to ECB’s Privacy Policy.
11. Your rights and your personal information
You have the following rights with respect to your personal information:
a. request to see the personal information which the Church holds about you;
b. request the names or types of persons to whom your personal information is disclosed;
c. request to update any incorrect or inaccurate information we have about you;
d. request the purpose(s) for which ECB is using your information;
e. restrict or object to us processing your information, in certain circumstances;
f. request to have us delete information we have about you, in certain circumstances;
g. If you have provided consent, the right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time.
When exercising any of the rights listed above, in order to process your request, we will need to verify your identity for your security. We will respond to your request within 45 days of receiving a valid request, unless we have reason to, and can lawfully extend the timescale. This can be extended up to a further 30 days in certain circumstances.
12. Further processing or change of purpose
We will only use your personal information for the purposes for which we collected it. If we wish to use your personal information for a new purpose, not covered by this Privacy Notice, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing. Whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing.
13. Contact Details
If you have any concerns or questions about how ECB manage your personal information, or would like to withdraw a previous consent to the use of your personal information, please contact us by:
- Emailing Subject Line: Attention Privacy Officer.
- Writing to The Privacy Officer, The Evangelical Church of Bermuda, 1 Mission Road, Paget, PG 06.
14. Changes to our Privacy Notice
This Privacy Notice was last updated on 24 December 2024. We may change this Privacy Notice from time to time and encourage you to periodically review for the latest information.